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Tuesday, 13 August 2024 at 2pm
Wednesday, 14 August 2024 at 2pm
Thursday,15 August 2024 at 2pm

(Central European Summer Time - Vienna, Rome, Berlin)

Unlock Your Career Potential
Using Emotional Intelligence 


Does your career feel more like living in survival instead of you thriving doing something you love?

Do you wonder whether you're doing the right job? With your kind of people?

Do you hesitate even thinking about what your next move should be?

Because I'm guessing that whilst you've thought about looking for something more fulfilling, there always seem to be another 100 things to do first which means that you end up  putting your own needs and wants to the bottom of the list.  

What about YOUR vision, and YOUR hopes and YOUR dreams? 

You  are NOT hardwired to be a certain way or do a certain job for your entire life!

So if you want to dig deep into who you really are, discover your purpose and then promote the authentic  you at interview, join me for these three masterclasses, because if you keep doing what you've always done, you're setting yourself up for getting the same old results.

Unlock Your Career Potential Using Emotional Intelligence

Your Next Job Application:

 Are you excited about your job application because it feels RIGHT or just FAMILIAR? Recognize which emotions you should be paying attention to and write a stunning application

Tuesday, 13 August 2024 at 2pm Central Europe

Writing Your Cover Letter:

Is the old version of you holding you back?  Discover how to tell your story with confidence and throw out your pre-conceived ideas about re-stating everything in your application (because it's a waste of time!)

Wednesday, 14 August 2024 at 2pm Central Europe

Interviews and Videos: 

Instantly connect with the interview panel on an emotional and psychological level so that you

come away feeling fabulous about yourself

Thursday, 15 August 2024 at 2pm Central Europe

These masterclasses are for you if

You feel that there's an opportunity beckoning and are no longer willing to compromise your happiness

You're prepared to acknowledge what's not working, to release the old and re-write the new

You're ready to be challenged to connect to your inner briliance and step up to your potential

These masterclasses are NOT for you if


You're looking for a quick fix for your next interview

You think that you should be selected based purely on your experience and qualifications

You're already thinking of all the reasons why these masterclasses won't change anything for you

Sign Up Form

Remember that if you get selected for interview for that fabulous job that all the other candidates are likely to have similar credentials - so why do clients tell me that they should have been chosen because they were better qualified than others?

That's  not how it works - even in international organizations where we know that Human Resources are doing everything they can to ensure that the recruitment process is fair, there will always be accusations of bias and discrimination.  

Why? Because we're human beings - not digital machines - and your success will largely depend upon your motivation for the job in question, and your ability to establish a strong emotional connection with those you want to convince that YOU are the ONLY choice!

IMPORTANT: To protect you and me from spammers I use a double opt-in registration system and if it isn't in your inbox please remember to check your junk/spam folders for my email asking you to CONFIRM your details.  If you don't confirm you won't receive the email with additional details for the masterclasses.  

NOTE:  If you still aren't able to find the email asking you to confirm your details this may be because your organization has particularly stringent firewalls, in which case please either email me so that I can add you manually, OR register with your personal email address.  Having said that, please also note that I cannot help with registrations

once the events have started.

Presented by Gwyneth Letherbarrow MBA

Join Gwyneth, Award-Winning Branding Strategist and Certified Money Breakthrough Coach, Author and Speaker for these three online masterclasses and blast through your self-imposed career boundaries using your emotional intelligence.

Born in England, Gwyneth spent 25 years working throughout Europe and the Balkans, building, managing and sometimes closing down multi-cultural teams within the UN system.

After gaining her MBA and qualifying as a coach, she established her own consultancy based on her understanding and experience of complex workplace challenges.  From 2013 she provided specialist consultancy services, online training, and workshops all over the world to help people working in an international  environment discover their personal brand and transform the way that they  work with others, market and promote themselves. 


Travel restrictions from early in 2020 meant that it was no longer possible for Gwyneth to travel to her clients and whilst she still provides training for international organizations online, she has now expanded her portfolio to work with female leaders in the not-for-profit sector helping them to recognize their true worth, build their brand and manage their mindset.  If there's a trailblazer inside of you waiting to get out, please do get in touch!


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