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Stepping Into You
The Blueprint to Nail Your Personal Brand and
Market Yourself Magnificently
The only book on Personal Branding that you will ever need - Get your FREE copy TODAY
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Do you hate having to market yourself when pitching for business?
Do you feel uncomfortable talking about yourself to strangers and end up selling yourself short?
Or maybe you just don’t know where to start with building a personal brand?
Make no mistake. You already have a personal brand, and in a world where the majority of people are on the social media stage, it would be foolish to leave things to chance.
As a Personal Branding Strategist and Professional Development Coach, the #1 challenge that Gwyneth helps her clients with is to talk about themselves with ease so that they can market themselves with confidence.
If you are ready to begin the transformation from feeling sick and panic-stricken when you have to talk about yourself to being a confident presenter making an impact wherever you go, this is the book for you. It sets out simple-to-follow steps that will make the transformation easy and even fun.
'Stepping Into You’ takes you on a journey that begins with you, showing you how to discover your unique personal brand and get crystal clear on what YOU want, so that you can market you and your business all the way to success.
"This is not just another book about personal branding. Gwyneth goes into the psychology behind what may be getting in your way. Working on your mindset first and then the 'How To' of personal branding. What a great resource this is!"
Review from a customer on
It IS possible to turn all that around IF you want to - and IF you are prepared to take action ...
This book provides a blueprint for transformation setting out a time-proven, five-step process of discovery. It will help you become comfortable with who you are, and to align confidently with what you do well, so that you can enjoy the career and business success you deserve.
Discover the exact image that you want to promote to potential employers and businesses
Feel comfortable with promoting your skills
Show up online with confidence, getting noticed for the right reasons
Introduce yourself when networking, quickly and with conviction
Know what steps you need to take to implement everything you have learned
Take Ownership of your Personal Brand and Order 'Stepping into You' NOW
"This book is so valuable that I am not sure if I can ever scale its worth. What I know for sure is that anyone who is serious about marketing themselves will discover that 'Stepping into You' is the secret weapon that they need."
MC Simon, Author of Feng Shui for Writers
Whether you want to improve your presentation skills when pitching for business, promote your brand effectively online, or become expert at introducing yourself to new people at networking events, this book gives you the tools you need to create the change you desire, using the 'Stepping Into You' Blueprint.
The book begins by setting out the groundwork for creating a personal brand. It teaches you how to align your business with your values, personality and skills so that you have a solid base upon which to build your personal brand.
You can't create new things if you don't let go of the things that have been holding you back, and this section of the book gives you several tools to help you clear emotional and real clutter!
Begin to create your new story, a story that is authentic through and through, allowing you to show the world who you really are.
This is the practical part of the blueprint, with links to downloadable templates and checklists which will help you to form the basis of your personal marketing plan, including social media and video, giving you the edge that is going to help you stand out when it matters.
It's time to put your marketing plan into action, and you'll find detailed advice about how to prepare a business pitch. And because no good book should just end at the last page, the final chapter looks at the importance of celebrating outcomes, and how to keep building your brand.
Key Features
A unique five-step blueprint presented in an easy-to-follow plan
Covers all social media platforms with downloadable templates and checklists making it an invaluable resource to come back to time and again.
Dedicated chapters on using video, as well as how to prepare a perfect presentation, and break the ice at networking events.
"Gwyneth provides really clear and focused steps to revamp yourself and your business into what you really want it to be. This is a fantastic resource for anyone who wants to promote themselves to the best of their ability."
Review from a customer on
Take ownership of your personal brand and watch your business and life transform. Get your FREE copy of 'Stepping into You: The Blueprint to Nail Your Personal Brand and Market Yourself Magnificently' TODAY
(You just cover handling, postage and packing).